
  • Deep Listening

    Certified to facilitate the work of Pauline Oliveros through the Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Deb hosts a practice of the healing work of Deep Listening. Sign up for more information on the Boston area Deep Listening, to find out when the next session begins.


  • LENNY collective

    The LENNY Collective is a roving music gathering that seeks to create intimate ways of engaging with live music, from collaborative songwriting to house concerts to barn sessions, as well as a range of diverse collaborative projects. LENNY collective is comprised of visual artists and musicians who are committed to providing opportunities to intersect with original music in alternative sites.

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  • Radio Silence audiowalks

    RADIO SILENCE, a guided, geo-located audiowalk at Lost Pond Sanctuary in Brookline, MA.
    The duration of the walk ranges from 1-1.5hrs.
    This is a grief ritual, a soundtrack, an album, and a conversation: each walk is the same, and each walk is totally different. We walk to commemorate whatever losses have piled up. To walk, to listen to the music, to sometimes talk, and just be in a site of reclamation together, is to become lost in the landscape of LOST POND SANCTUARY.

    How does one schedule a walk? Walks are currently connected my campaign to raise funds for The Children’s Room. If you are interested in participating in a walk, please first donate to my campaign here. Walks take place in person at the Lost Pond, and are currently SOLD OUT through November 2023. To add your name to the waiting list, please do so here.

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